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Radarfalle.de Forum: Archiv: 2002: Warn- & Störtechnik: Ami-Preise
By Lichthupe ( on Samstag, den 11. November, 2000 - 15:49:

I've been looking into this issue for the past few weeks, and I've read a
few reports and field tests, most people agree that the best radar detector
out there is Valentine One ($400 retail only), next to it is Bel 980 ($220
street, $300 retail), then goes Escort 7500 ($250 or so) btw escort is about
to release a new one, 8500 soon.
As for those states where radar detectors are prohibited ( ha ha :) you can
get Bel 915 which is slightly worse than 980, but it can be hidden so that
police won't find it. K40 also makes hidden radar detectors.
I live in PA where these toys are legal, so I have 2 :) One on the
windshield, and the other one on the rear window. I'm also trying to build a
K and Ka band jammer. The design is not that complicated, but the parts are
expensive and I don't have the appropriate testing equipment.

By Knut ( on Mittwoch, den 6. Dezember, 2000 - 00:48:

Na prima, 220 USD sind auch 500DM plus Zoll plus Einfuhrumsatzsteuer sind das schnell 700DM. Abgesehen davon kostet der 980 meist 250 USD

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